Saturday, March 28, 2009

Blahh days...

Sick! That's how I feel these days.........It just started around Wednesday and will be here for the next 10 weeks or so. Yes, I get nausea and sometimes vomitting during the first 15 to 17 weeks of pregnancy. It usually doesn't start until sometime around 7 weeks (which is next week) but this time it started early.......ugh!! The worst part is I feel sick day and night. It is not just in the morning or one part of the day, it is ALL day. And the smells of, well, everything make it worse! But, time will fly and it will be over before I know it. It is just that the days seem to drag on forever right now................At least I have the kids and the dog to keep my mind otherwise occupied. I wish I had some frozen meals stored up this time. But I have not been that organized for a while. Oh, well! Pray for me!


Heather Downer said...

i'm not there yet... knock on wood, cross fingers, etc... haha :)

six weeks was yesterday!

grandma rose said...

oh, so much fun and the years just fly by and you'll look back longingly to those moments....
so glad all are doing better, and yes, you will be too....ah, summer ought to be fun....
love to