Thursday, February 26, 2009

All is Well that Ends Well.......

Samuel is almost 3 now and he has decided he is ready to use the potty (awesome). But he wants to do it on his own and not let anyone in the bathroom when he goes (no problem). Well, I thought it was no problem because he was doing really well. He would flush the toilet and wash his hands and he was so proud of himself! But you can only let a little boy alone in the bathroom so long. Unfortunately, leaving Samuel alone for only 2 minutes was way too long. He used the potty and flushed it about 5 times so I thought he went #1 but when I went in to check that was not the case. I spent the next hour giving my bathroom that much needed scrub down from top to bottom!! He got so excited the other day when I brought him home some new Hulk and Spiderman underwear. The only thing is that he refuses to wear them correctly. He thinks that the picture of the superhero is supposed to be in the front and not on his bum. So, if I do not let him wear them backwards he will not wear them at all. I guess if it all turns out in the end that he can wear his underwear however he wants.............

1 comment:

Annette said...

o how funny. I guess I will get to experience all the fun of potty training here soon enough and the independence of a child :)