Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Eve!!!!!!

Eve is 9 today! Wow, nine years old! I know they grow up but as I get older the years seem to fly by quicker and they grow up faster. Eve is already saying she can't wait another WHOLE year until her 10th birthday. I assured her it would go by fast but it seems too long for her. She is already becoming quite the young lady.

Anyway, Happy Birthday to my oldest child..............I love you Eve!!


sharon said...

what a beautiful picture and i can't believe she is 9! i just found a picture of Josiah and Eve the other day when they were two (back in gso). it's gone by too fast! happy birthday Eve!!!

grandma rose said...

such a thoughful look.... planning the party? Mom sure does take a good photo.
love you honey.