September was our wonderful daughter, Eve's, 13th birthday.! We celebrated with a kind of 'coming of age' party. In the Jewish culture they call it a bat-mitzvah for a girl and a bar-mitzvah for a boy. We wanted to have a similar thing for Eve to honor and bless her. We had a huge dinner and then Eve got baptized (by her dad, What an honor for him) and then we read some scripture and gave others an opportunity to read and bless her as well. She is such a beautiful young lady now and I feel blessed that She is my daughter.
After That we had two birthdays in October. Our second daughter, Abby, Turned 8 and Lily, Daughter 4, turned 1!! We celebrated by going to the zoo. We have been to the zoo many times but the kids love it so it has become the common field trip!
Abby at 8 years
Then in November, Noah turned 3! It was also my birthday and Thanksgiving. Fall is always a busy time of year around here!
Noah at 3 years
Last little bit of Fall!
oh my - you are all so wonderful and we miss you!!!!!
Love the new update and photos!!
They are so fluffy and cute their children shame that I put in google translator I am Brazilian and I'm 9 years old, enters my blog is on disney channel address is:
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