Sunday, July 1, 2007


One of the greatest things about home schooling is that you can set your own schedule. This is a very good thing especially when you have 4 children and you live with 2 other families (we currently live with my parents and my brother, his wife and their 2 year old son). It is now summer and we aren't officially doing studies but we are trying to keep them busy just the same. Fortunately for us they all have their own agenda.......... Jack will stop at nothing to become the next extreme sports trophy winner. Abigail is the mother of all 11 people in the house (and on the side she has her own 6 babies to tend to). Samuel is the great explorer traveling far and wide to discover the next worst place for him to be. And Eve is my artist who never has a lack for ideas or an understanding of bounderies to keep her from her creativity. All of these things, as frustrating as they are sometimes, makes each of my children unique. To know that God made each of them and loves them just the way they are and that He knows me and chose me because I am the perfect mother for them (or maybe they are the perfect children for me).......... WOW!!! What an awesome God!!!

1 comment:

Bonnie W said...

I'm so glad I'm their grandma!!!!!