Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Surviving Sam..........

Raising kids can be tough. I always felt that Sam would be difficult from the moment he was born. His birth started out easy but when it was time to push he came barreling out with one push so fast that the midwife almost didn't "catch" him. There was no stopping him then even when they yelled, "Don't push, Don't push," and he flew out anyway. Most women would love to have such a quick and somewhat painless (in my opinion compared to my other kids) delivery.............But that was the beginning of my adventures and now I am afraid that there really is no stopping this little boy...................................................

Recently, Samuel has learned to maneuver out of his 5 point harness car seat. At first we thought it was because we made it too loose but that was not the case. We decided to tighten it so tight that I was afraid he would have bruises and he was still able to wiggle out. We really don't spend a lot of time in the van. We don't go anywhere except for church and the occasional family outing but he has it down to a science. Well, The other night we were on our way home from our new house (another story, another day) when I see Sam's head bobbing around in the back seat. Just as I turn to look (and it was dark) the interior lights come on in the car and I hear the wind rushing past. Panic, panic, panic!!! Yes, Samuel had quietly wiggled out of the car seat and opened the car door while I was driving. Thank the Lord for quick thinking and motherly instincts. I was able to react and reach back to hold the door closed until I came to a stop on the side of the road. And just in case you are wondering, Sam can unlock the car doors also. And that is just story #1......................................................

Thursday night we put the younger two kids to bed (Sam and Abby). They all sleep in the same room because they like it and they do really well that way. Well, this night it wasn't working so well. They talked and played for a long time. Just when I thought they were asleep (because it was quiet for about 15 minutes) I heard Abby start to cry and scream. I went back to the room expecting Samuel to be "torturing" Abby But when I opened the door Abigail was Standing in front of the open window crying and pointing. When I finally realized what she was saying through the tears and sobbing, there was panic again. "Mommy, Sammy jumped out the window." Panic, panic, panic! Samuel had climbed out of bed and climbed up in the window, unlocked the window and climbed out at 10 O'clock at night. Thank the Lord that Abby was watching and called me in just enough time for me to see Sam standing right out side and that when I yelled for Joshua to get him, Sam saw Daddy and ran right to him..............................

Sure, if I had only thought to lock the child locks in the car ( the car that the kids never ride in ), or if there were screens in the windows (in a house that is not mine and the landlord refuses to fix), or maybe if I just disciplined Sam more (so these thing would never cross his mind), Then maybe we could avoid having dangerous situations like these arise.............Of course there is the other side...................................If I can just accept that Samuel is a force of nature, and that God made him and loves him that way, then I can let God do the rest. With His help I can raise Sam with truth in his life so that when he grows up God will use this strong, unstoppable will for Great things. It will be a daily struggle and it will probably have many days of uncertainty. God willing, He will keep a hedge of protection around Samuel and give Mommy and Daddy strength and wisdom beyond measure for the things that lay ahead. In the mean time, Maybe we can laugh a little and know that we have a lot to learn if there is any hope of us surviving Sam ......................Ha Ha!

Dear Lord, Thank you for protecting my little boy. You see what I cannot and you are there when I am not. You gave me this precious gift and now I give him back to you. Protect him and keep him all the days of his life.............................Thank you!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Dirt Digger......

Abigail is my only child that loves dirt. Sure, the other kids play and get dirty or make messes sometimes and it doesn't bother them much but Abby looks for dirt. No matter where we are she is attracted to it. She is always looking for the ultimate outdoor experience.
When we go to the store she always stops in the parking lot to grab a handful of dust......... When the kids play outside she is always digging holes or laying in the dirt............ And when we go to the beach she is always burying herself in the sand.................. And if she can't be outside she is getting her hands dirty in other ways......................
Luckily, when she is all done she can be cleaned!!!!

I know my mother is laughing right now and thinking back to when all I used to do was bring her mud pies all the time.........................hee hee!