My kids all have selective hearing..........except for Abigail. Abby seems to hear everything that is said but believes that nothing applies to her. I will say to her, "Abigail please stop screaming at your brother," to which she looks at me, turns to her siblings pointing her finger and says....... "guys, top creaming, it not nice." I try to politely say, "No Abby, Mommy is asking YOU to stop." Then she agrees, "Yeh Mommy, Ebe and Dack did it," Like she knows that what I was really saying was that she needed to stop SO SHE could tell THEM that THEY needed to stop. After all, you can't expect mom to be able to handle things on her own. If I ask Abby to be nice she will say, "Yeh Mommy, Ebe and Dack be nice," or "Yeh Mommy, Sammy take my doll and dat not nice." But rarely does she realize that she needs to change what SHE is doing.
Sometimes I think we do that with God (sometimes I do that with God)......... We don't want to hear what He is really saying to us because that might mean that we need to change....................... "Lord, help me listen to you and be at peace with what you are saying....."
Abby is a beautiful little girl and she teaches me a lot. I think God uses my kids everyday to show me things.
Anyway, here is a picture of my darling daughter..............................